Saturday, May 31, 2008

Las Vegasfree Aids Testing

Weekend at Notre Dame

Saturday, May 24

The Tonight I takes off with Marie Claude Sherbrook direction where a projection is programmed "the world according to Monsanto" which was released in March on Arte. Good thing I had not seen! With the presence of the filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin. Class! It is still 1:30 to go car! HHaaa it is nice Marie Claude.
After 20 minutes of projection, the bazaar fails! So we took the opportunity to start the discussion time that the technician understands how the computer (oh yes it happens at CEGEP de Sherbrooke (I'll tell you later what it is), so it is with computer projection and projector). The Hall Auditorium is full, it is full of good questions.
Conclusion: Documentary a must see (Small info: Monsanto is apparently a major funder of Noah's Ark in Norway). Brrrr it's cold in the back.

Monday, May 26

Bouuuuuu is my birthday! I'm Vieillleeeeeuuhhh. It sends a squeegee
vegetarian and a chocolate fondue to celebrate, then towards another farm. I'm still sad to leave my beautiful farm!

What Is A Good Name To Name My Math Game


Continuation and conclusion of the visit on Thursday 22 May, where I had left after brewing.
The Sugarbush
St. Martyrs Canadiens

I'm lucky, Eric has in his pockets secret keys of a large maple industrial property where he worked this winter. After a long way, we arrive at the beast.

At the risk of repeating myself here are some details on Maple:
First they say the sap to describe the liquid collected for making syrup, the sap refers to when it bitter water that flows at the end of sugars. Oh yes, sugar is the period where we make the syrup, just after the first thaw. There are several maple species worldwide but only two species give the syrup: sugar maple (logic) and the other, I do not remember too, is the red maple I believe! These two species are present mainly in North America (Ha ben maybe it is why we eat them not us).
Before going inside, a short tour to the maples. A small spout (called a spiles) is inserted into a notch on Maple and connected to small pipes, there are those connected another larger pipe, then still the biggest to the interior of the sugar bush to collect water.

Any complex system extends over quite a few square kilometers. Water arrives in a kind of indoor

and passes gradually into an evaporator (which works in oil or gas) and which as its name implies will evaporate the water and give the syrup.

This technique is still barbaric as well to retrieve water it uses a vacuum system. Maple is literally pumped his sap. These techniques have been used for twenty years and we do not know what it will look in the future. Adds to it a few years ago, so that the tree heals, we applied a patch of paraformaldehyde which was highly dangerous. It is no longer registered since 1990 but continues to be used by some unscrupulous producers. In any case, the damage is done and the maples still remember in my opinion. This process tends to be replaced by denatured alcohol ... mhhhh!

After that the direction of Eric maple. Ben there, change of scenery.

It's like being propelled back 100 years. Harvest is different. It is the old and needless to say it takes a long arm. Here are harvested with water boilers (seals always) and horses, so before you start making cuts, it must be the paths in the snow, allowing the sled to go (yes I know it's been a little Santa Claus all that) and also to prevent the horse is injured. Water straight out of the notches (it also uses spiles) and landed in the boilers down the tree. When full, they are recovered and were discharged into a large barrel on the sled. Here we use a good horse but others use skidoo (snowmobile), but it's downright hazardous (to the point where it is you tell me!).
short, once around the forest made, water is poured into a tub outside the Sugar Shack (name given to maple) and fed into an evaporator through a pipe.

This evaporator there is fed with maple wood and feature multiple compartments allowing for better evaporation.

Before this fabulous invention, using a pot suspended. Knowing that it takes 40 liters of water per 1 liter of syrup, it was almost 4 hours to get a good syrup, mmhhhhh ... we appreciate this one!
What differentiates the organic not organic, so it's like you could understand the time we spend going to evaporate water and the type of heating used, the bio is longer . In industrial technology, it uses other methods to reduce the amount of sap, such as with reverse osmosis which concentrates more sugar (more than 10 liters of water per 1 liter of syrup).
FYI, this year has been catastrophic for syrup production. Reason: in April there were still nearly two feet of snow! Not cold enough, not enough sap. Finding the price of syrup will increase this year (but who cares, we eat by not with us).

recipe Little too complicated (the hardest part is finding the proper syrup and good pig)

Small chops Pork with Maple (or through, collars, short pork)

- Brown the chops in butter with a little salt and pepper. Remove and deglaze with a cup of maple syrup and 2 tablespoons of flour. Put the chops, cover and simmer 30 minutes.
- Serve with a big potato.
- MMhhhhhhhh

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Shower Before Brazilian Wax

Our Lady of Ham ( continued)

As expected, it is different and a bit gloomy this week because no luck for Marie Claude, she is forced to go to work! but fortunately there are lots of nice people who come to visit me. Phew! Stars also
Sylvie and Eric come for me to take my brewing. Fortunately, because to go, the road (or track rather) is deserted, the thumb is rapping, and it should be 30 minutes to go to the brewery. I tell myself that I escaped to 6 hours walking in the rain! Short stop minute Ham-Nord (the rain).

Brewer's Hamlet Ham South

The brewery is actually a micro-brewery and met several enthusiasts. The mico-brewery (like many others) also has a bar upstairs where they serve beer directly that are produced locally. All of these breweries are multiplying like loaves p'tits but there are not many who manage to survive against big industry. Here, the manufacture of beer usually happens on Thursday morning to Friday morning. On our arrival, two people are in the office! chic, we will be entitled to a guided tour.
Beer Ham can be prepared like most beers with malted barley.

Some info for all the ignorant (like me): The crop can not be used as such in the manufacture of beer and must be malted. Most of the time, the Brewers buy malted barley already. It's irritating me!

Yes but how did the malt, I tell you! Well simply by soaking the barley in water and under the effect of moisture, it begins to germinate. It still takes a few days. The enzymes that develop inside the grain gradually transformed starch into sugar. After that, the barley is dried between 80 and 105 °. It's the drying that will determine the nature of the grain and therefore the future beer (blond, red, amber, brown, black, ...). More one dried at high temperature and long and dark malt will have a taste of caramel.

Back to the serious stuff. To make beer, there are three steps (again!)

- Brewing

The goal is to have brewing in the end a sweet wort. Having crushed malted barley, mixed with water in a large bowl (or anything else that can be heated. If you do in your kitchen, you can take a pot!). This mixture is called wort. This brew is heated, taking care to respect the bearings. This method is called multi-level, which is not misused by the Belgians and French. Heated to a temperature between 50 ° and 55 ° for 30min, then increased to 65/69 ° for 30 to 45min, and finally at 75 ° for 15min. You'll understand that it is essential to have a thermometer.

[the big tank at the bottom]

Then comes the second phase:

- Cooking and hopping

Once the brew is ready, we filter waste of barley and is tilted the liquid into another bowl (here there are two, and to fill the two we add a little water is filtered through the residue of barley to not lose a crumb of sugar)

[tank top]

At this point, we add the hops.
We use only the flower hops. That is what will be used to flavor beer and give her little bitter side depending on the amount of time you put it and the time we leave. Another virtue of hops is a good conservative.

FYI (again), there is currently a great shortage hops. The blame back on biofuel! Indeed, as in France where rapeseed flower and company, the fields of our Canadian friends see a whole armada flourished as a substitute for oil. Result: no one can buy hops because the reduced production already exists is automatically purchased by a multinational company (which provides producers of Budweiser) that also buys produce future (so far as to do!). In short, all that to say this is the shit. But our local producers have more than one trick up their sleeves and embark already testing chemist to find a workaround has the stuff (like dandelion, for example. Haaa dandelion).

It takes about 160g of fine hops per 200 liter of wort. Boiled (slightly over 100 °) between 45min and 1 hour to kill any harmful bacteria and remove the bitterness and aroma hops. Then added a second hop, the same amount as the first (if you like bitter beer) and agar (a seaweed) which will agglomerate yeast. And let stand 5 minutes.

After another filtering to remove the hops, the liquid passes into a final tank (again there are two) [ same photo as above, that the tanks bottom ] to two walls (one compartment for cold water and one for beer) so that they fall rapidly to 20 °. Is decanted into another container and add the yeast (Note too high a temperature kills the yeast).

comes the third phase:
- fermentation and maturation

Fermentation begins when we add yeast. The wort turns into beer. The first fermentation lasts from three to four days. This step can transform almost three quarter of the sugar into alcohol, and she did a lot of foam. Once the yeast has abated (there are a lot less gas) transferring the beer into Demi-Johns (large glass jugs 4 gallon or 20 liters).

Once the yeast has finished working, it settles to the bottom of the pitcher and is served in progressively by a small pipe below the lady. It is important not to seal the jars as the fermentation continues and it is therefore more gas. This deposit is called the lees, beer lees is called when it has not been filtered as opposed to industrial (and that's good because it keeps all hehe its vitamins). All this takes on average 2 to 4 weeks.

After you put in the bottle and saw that there is more gas, we add a Chouillet sugar before closing. That way the yeast will convert the remaining sugar in gas and stuff naturally.
is allowed to age on average 2 months.

And that's it. At your potholes!

After this short visit very informative direction the maple! But I'll stop there for now because it's provided for you indigestion.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Agencys Who Accept Inexperienced Models

First week: Notre Dame de Ham

After a few days off because of computer failure here is the result of my journey ...

What is woofing (or wwoofing)?

is the question that always comes to the ears, so before going further, I must explain this process. The woofing (WWOOF: World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) would come from the English (thus takes!), In truth the woofing existed since man exists, the English have just put a name on it, and modernized the bazaar coup d'Internet. The woofing therefore exists in virtually every corner of the globe. Practice! What is it? Simply resume the good old principle: I give a hand (or 5 to 6 hours of work per day) cons and lodging. but beware, only organic farms! Of course as everywhere there may be some surprises, such as farmers who will take you to the free labor and exploited to thank you! The advantage is that you're free and can make your backpack when you want!
Sometimes it's as if you were to make friends: you live at the same rate they (forget your fat matt up at 6am for the less fortunate), you eat with them (haaaa cheese freshly molded and these salads of dandelion) you do not hesitate to play with the kids (uh no sorry kids) ... well, you are part of the family of lifted until coated (generally not after 9 o'clock so you're tired). So you spend virtually no money and you can keep your Pépette to go whale watching in the St. Lawrence or go get drunk in estuaries (for example). So for my baptism of woofing, towards Notre-Dame de Ham , two hours drive south west of Quebec. This village has a convenience store (grocery store) and a Bar. Point! (Anyway the whole is 10 minutes by car and have not car!)
First week: Notre Dame de Ham

Friday, May 9, 10:40 has Victoriaville. Person when I arrived. I wait patiently for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, I put my backpack, he began to be heavy this context, however, I planted a little business wherever I went! 1 hour later, a breath of anguish, would have been forgotten? Nevermind, I unsheathed map and phone number (ha I knew I need it) and go in search of a cab (thankfully here is not fashion phones phones are still cabins), a small voice replied, "good hhaa? someone had to pick me up?? Baaa it does not matter "it said," I can simply come in inch (hitchhiking), we explain rapido, I understand it, Re-breath of anguish! 1:20! As I prepare to face the thirty kilometer to go, or on foot (haaaaa this backpack), Annette (the owner of the farm) and her two daughters are coming! Saved!
The farm houses are 6 people (3 girls: Ella 7 years, Fanny 13, Melina 15 years and a boy 16 years Frederick (the same man who sent me thumbs up to the farm. Vengeance!)). Annette, Rejean and their 4 children are a pure family Babos, who advocates the school house, where there is not necessarily schedule and everyone works when he wants.


This paradise includes an organic garden (which will look after the next two weeks) with two greenhouses, a barn with goats (goats are cool), chickens ( con is a hen), horses, and cows (with training to trafficking);

(my little goats. Whether they are bellesheuuuu)

[the barn]

a small trailer that has served at a crossing in Quebec a few years ago, and which serves as my bedroom right now (it's cool at night! )

[my beautiful trailer]
¨ stacked wood ¨, a small cozy cottage that used to woofers (not now because he is squatted by Marie-Claude, who occupy the farm for a year ), and finally a very nice small pond when it's hot (it says it has not happened yet) and full of small fish without putting their bellies full.

[the stacked wood and the little pond]
Days program roughly follows this pattern: survey 6:30 am (the longer it goes and the more it becomes 7am), coffee, the stable direction for trafficking, a ptite itches to horses (must not forget, they are likely), some seeds for the chickens (hens RRRhhhaa!), breakfast (another coffee, toast, eggs or pancakes, maple syrup good bio) a ride to weed the garden (it is true I have hands of agricultural workers), ha it's time for dinner (lunch hours), a detour to the barn to collect eggs before they come to be eaten by the chickens (hens RRRhhhaa! is increasingly cannibalistic!). After the dishes (it take a little time to identify suspicious volunteers), removal of hay for compost (no sewer here. Long live the toilets!) And return to weed the garden until supper (dinner hours ).

[me to trafficking]

But of course there are small variations at the same time as the family prepares a scheduled trip, a year in British Columbia woofing in a motorhome then south to Mexico (well if the motorhome survival). In short it's a joyful mess, and it's fun. Hence
squatting as Marie-Claude.

(me in the gardens) and Ha

are also two dogs!

Sunday, May 11, dinner at Sylvia and Eric, one French and one Swiss expatriates. They live amidst a forest of maple, again in paradise, and have a sugar shack.

[Chez Sylvie and Eric]

A sugar shack is where we will turn water (sap in sum) of maple syrup! This is usually from mid March to mid April that we will harvest the sap of maple. The ideal temperature is 5 ° during the day and -5 ° at night. Do not expect too much because after the sap becomes much thicker and there it works more for the syrup. At the time, sap who had remained warm in the winter the roots up into the branches. We practice small incisions on the trunk, and Yaahhllla, if there is more complete Boilers (buckets).
That's where the sugar shack track.
Soon you will visit this small maple, and that an industrial sugar maple (brrrr it's cold in the back).

[Starting from left: Belinda, Réjean, Annette and Eric]

Tuesday, May 13, arrival of Samuel, a former woofer which is on his third visit. It is cuisto, it will be chic to eat! The days are the same with the exception that no longer fighting to designate who will cook! And in the process, he plunges (Haa happiness).

Thursday, May 15, arrival of Virgil, the son of Rejean followed by Cecile (whose spouse is beer, but I will discuss later) and three daughters. Hula is beginning to be numerous.
And visit the blacksmith who moves directly from the farms with his brand new super break! AC ouaaw relates manicure horse!

Saturday, May 17, preparing a big chouille, with little pause initiation Thai Chi (really unsure of the spelling) by Cécile in the small meadow in front of the forest (hmmmmmm empty his chakras).
Around 13 hours, the festivities begin with the sending of burgers on the barbecue (I imagine a few ha them drool).

Hula people come, it makes the world. Stars are running out of beer, misery! Fortunately, Normand (the famous brewer, spouse Cecilia) arrives with an armful of this precious drink, HAM (haaaa a feast for all lovers of beer). I negotiate a visit illico at the brewery for next Thursday (and on my return to France, I open a gambling illegal!).
The sun sets, people never stop coming, ha bin is full of bottles are hidden in a corner.

Someone puts a hand on the drums and it's gone! Marie-Claude us out these balls fiery and we mimic a particular dance to the sound of drums (definitely got to be fashionable! Tabarnouche, I will take the course!). Everyone gathers around the fire, some others try vocal accompaniment, others frantically moving their behind, or both, and others start to pitch nose, eyes blur (like me). Local production runs under my nose! The devil is strong! I crawl to bed.

Sunday, May 18. I have a headache. I force it too much. Marcus, a neighbor came and picked up cows and goats (goats my little sniff!) And steals some chickens crossing (well that's okay). Little discussion about the price increase. Yep French friend reassures you in your misery, rising prices is everywhere. + 30% on wheat, 1 $ 35 litron the gas, thankfully they have wells Alberta! All this
me very tired! Bedtime at 9am.

Monday, May 19th is the day of departure for large family.
Ca activated in all directions. A sock here, a packet of flour there. We fill the cupboards, it tinkers with the camper. Heck, the tail lights do not work. Ha is not good. At 18h, disaster! departure is deferred to the next. Crisis early last tear, eating and feeling better.

Tuesday, May 20, the day of the great departure of the family.

For real!
After emotional goodbyes, I shake my little handkerchief from the campsite because (called the turtle is saying!). I enter the house, sad and yet very happy to have met such a tribe. Marie-Claude is already at work, there is no noise. Rest the horses, chickens and two dogs. Haaa anxiety. Something tells me that this week will be different ...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Skinny Women Large Breasts

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Breakfast at the Montreal, well, mostly for people who like me all the time!
Café au lait in the necessary thermos mug is good practice to finish his coffee in the subway; toast spread with peanut butter, raspberry jam and banana slices. Beware the ass!

Otherwise it's cereal; it's faster and it dietetics.

Departure for Quebec!
For travelers like me not too wealthy, or students (same), there is a way of moving on condition of not being too demanding on the destination (just big cities). Allostop (4317 rue St Denis in Montreal, 514-985-3044; St Jean in Quebec, 418-522-3430, open daily from 9am to 18pm) is an association that allows you to find carpools towards large cities. One way Montreal-Quebec, you hear $ 12 (cons $ 30 by bus). Surprise! I arrive at Pascale (my college buddy) in a huge apartment, close to Old Quebec. Rents can run around 800 dollars (600 euros) for a 4-5 room! Well of course there are also more expensive.
I finished the day at Ninkasi (yes there is one also below) with the evening program djembe and dances of Quebec (ha no sorry that is the heart of African dance 21h). All with the beer that goes without saying!