Friday, January 14, 2011

Female Masterbation Ipof


it is impossible not to focus

attachment is a link to be calm privileged or object familier.Il no attachment without familiarité.Il there have no familiarity without présence.L attachment allows the construction of social being.
The absence of the object of attachment is scary.

be a compulsory social

The dog, like humans, is a social being mandatory.

He has to live with other beings sociaux.Il must "live with". Living alone is like not to live.

Among beings or objects with which the dog lives, some take on a particular value, and causes a prolonged abscence détresse.On can measure the intensity of attachment to the intensity of distress dog that causes the abscence of being or object of attachment.

Like the human child is attached to his parents and vice versa, the pup is attached his mother and the mother to her puppies.
Humans sometimes call it "love."

In effect a form of love. The dog attached to her adoptive parents and the people attached to their dog.

not an intellectual concept, it's something fundamental biological and who saw da, s the emotion.

Therefore, the presence of the being or object of attachment and soothes anxiety that his absence. It's purely emotional. It is a phenomenon which we do not think.

focus is also necessary for life as eating or drinking.

(My little britt)

When attachment disappears, it develops after the distress, a commitment to another life être.Et continuer.Si attachment can not be rebuilt 's stop living so to speak.
The distress and recovery is a kind of grieving process.

a puppy without attachment wither, die. A dog will be depressed without attachment. You can fall
ùalade of too much attachment and too much attachment. The balance is very unstable.

When the puppy is adopted a family must mourn his mother, his siblings and his original owners.

This process takes several days that the pup expresses his distress by vocalization, loss of appetite and DIARRHEA, while developing a new attachment to his adoptive parents. With the new attachment, life repprend.

(reppris text of the book by Dr. Joel Dehasse)


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