Saturday, July 5, 2008

Multiplication Table Through 100x100

Road to the west ... finally!

's it I was off on the road with Pascal on a big truck! Ouhaaaa I've always dreamed me.

(the beautiful truck)

(Pascal behind the wheel)

For crossing Canada, there are not thirty six solutions: we must take the Trans Canada 4 000 km, about 4 days away.
Here we are on track to cross 4 provinces populated exclusively to British Columbia (with some small exceptions) from English ... it is anxiety overtakes me the idea to speak English! Each province has a landscape more or less characteristic.

Ontario is the province that is the longest to cross, but it does not matter because it's really pretty. Here lies the great lakes from which water has been sold in the United States to be their reserve when they have water pumped full of water on their sacred territory Ricans ... haaa! In the interim, there remains enough in ontario to attract tourists, campers and boats. Whew, the holidays of the survivors of the middle class are preserved!
Stars along the road we meet a bear ... haaa not even time to get my camera. Damn!

(lake Ontario)

Arrived at Manitoba, the landscape is radically different ... here is the plain ... well plate, which has the advantage that we can see far.

(the flat, Manitoba or Saskatchewan ...!)

The Saskatchewan is a little near identical in Manitoba ... that is flat, but with pretty Silot grain everywhere. Along the way, it passes through tiny towns. One comes to wonder what people are doing in the middle of nowhere to look! Mystery!

Then comes Alberta Alberta ... Haaa! Meadows, ranches, horses and oil wells. Here we are propelled into the land of Dallas. Alberta is the richest province in Canada, although most of the oil pumped up ... the United States, which make the transformation from them and resells gasoline to Canadians. That's why gasoline is so expensive here, is between 1.35 and 1.45 dollars per liter ... is a real fortune. You should also know that to transform their oil (here the form of sand) they use tons of water they fail to clean of course and they store in large basins in the north ... my times they say that ultimately it will be for future generations to deal with it !!!!! HHhaaaaaaa money !!!!!! Alberta is happy to sell concessions and pocketing the loot.

(pretty well in Alberta)

After a stop

delivery Edmunton, Pascal is sent into the southern BC (British Columbia, but everyone says BC) and is therefore a hook to Golden or I have to go! Class! Here we go again towards the rock ... the rock ... haaaa

(towards the Trans Rockies)

There's really no word to describe the beautiful scenery ...? Surprising? Bewitching? In short you'll understand I urge you to go do a lil tour in BC.

(the rock ... ho it's beautiful!)

Pascal is an angel, I deposited right in front of the farm ... ha ben I'm really good star with me!

House Of Colors Cherry Red

Here I am made in Loren and Denise, two pure Canadian English for my fourth experience of woofing! The farm is located in Golden so just after the Banff National Park.


Denise and Loren runs a lodge in the mountains, that is a cottage which operates roughly like a bed and breakfast but more intimate. For info, go have a look at their website:
Here are some photos to make you drool ...

(the cottage)

(the view from the cottage, with ptits horses at the bottom)

(sight but still a other side)

My new room has a lot of class. It is a bus amménagé ... are even toilets! I will not even have to go pee in the woods. Phew!

(my room)

(my bed with kitchen and living room behind the luxury ...)

Here is still a pig. but that's it's a little different from the last ... he walks in the open air and sleeping on a couch in the studio! And above all not cry!

(the nice pig)

Use Olive Oil On Clippers

Golden Golden Golden

After two weeks in New Brunswick, I thought I was dressed to face the Cowboys West! Well I was wrong, even heavily!
After the second day I understood absolutely nothing of what was happening around me (or almost, do not push it) ... where I am?, what do people do here?
Rhhaaa but why I spent so much time sleeping in class me!
Fortunately, the scenery is beautiful, and I caught up with a book the night before the mountains and the sunset! Haaa!

That said, the first two days are relaxed, because it's the weekend and the weekend when we woofeur is not working ... do not push it either!
So the program is walking in the forest or pray at every step to falling on a bear and relaxation to get over my fear ... but finally I fell only on cute little deer!

Monday 7 , arrival of a German named woofeuse Jana Jana ... Haa, my savior! Being German, she speaks only English and because she's nice, she teaches at the same time! Suddenly feeling better, I can even communicate with other humans who succeed on the farm ... bliss!
The program is more like days or less: the breakfast lodges depends clients ... yes, because here we take the breakfast with customers. It was therefore entitled to a nice big breakfast with waffles bf (or pancakes or French toast, the vast Loren specialty), eggs, bacon, garden fresh, juice, coffee, alkatzeiser ... a delight! After a helping hand to the dishes, weed the garden for direction (and yes it is the season when the weed is better if you love the weed makes woofing summer) up to 15h! After it's free! Class!

(the beautiful garden that need weeding! Duh)

Tuesday evening, we even have a right to small tower in cariole the meadow and a campfire (with bonus mousitiques ... but why are they not rather the idiots in the islands).

( Jana and me in the remake of House on the Prairie ptite)

(Loren and cariole )

(sitting scratching the back of Hank, the friendly pig at the fireside)

Wednesday, the daughter of a friend of Denise, Kim, arrives to take care of two horses. Finally rather train them. Kim is 17 years old and riding since she was 3 years ... erm!
Thursday it rains .. it's cool we made banana cake!

Friday evening, one is to make friends (which I can not remember the names, shame) for an evening barbecue ... ouaaa the true evening Barbec hamburger, I know who will be jealous!

(Haaa the burgers!)

(from left to right, the lady I remember the name ... it's a shame she's nice, Denise, Loren, Jana and salad baked potatoes, Kim, me)
Saturday morning, Jana goes to the "is, and I find myself alone with my English deplorable ... sniff I'm sad.
Fortunately, we will make a nice walk in the mountains on a big buick. Haa how beautiful!

I finish even a short tour on horseback, believed ... I almost take for Poncahontas, hair in the wind!

PS: soon I'll tell you about my breakfast, as soon as I realized what do!

How Long Do Youneed To Serve

Second week First week

This week is no big change, I garden, I am helping to weed and the lodge
... I think I understood what make my hosts to survive outside the lodge of course: they sell timber. Indeed, like many Canadians, they have a forest estate, 750 acres, which they sell bit by bit. But they try to do a reasonable (not as sure, go for a ride in Abitibi!) According to tree age and location. And anyway the market beats a little of the wing because of the economic crisis in the U.S. (well it's not really the time to build a house there!).

(Loren was cleaning his drill)

This allows me to bounce back (hehe) on a recurring topic enough in Canada, and particularly in Quebec: Forestry. Why I urge you to the movie "Forest Alert". It is a documentary by Richard Desjardins and Robert Monderie dating from 1999. He denounced the clearcuts made by large logging operations in northern Quebec. At its release, the film has caused a veritable earthquake in the population ... the government itself, to calm the crowds, commission a survey to verify the validity of the documentary! And during that time, logging companies continue the massacre ...

For history, gouvrenement Quebec began to grant permission to cut the English (ie U.S. Americans) at the beginning 19th century. These companies hired him speaking farmers who could not survive with their poor harvests (Holds it's a song that cowboys!). The industrialization of the 20th has mainly relied on logging. In the 50s right up to the 70's, Quebec was the largest producer of paper ... well wishes! That's when a few have sounded the alarm, but in vain of course because it was so right in the golden age of consumerism ... (and it was not finished) and nobody had that spunk! Then comes the documentary in question ... ... who
denounced not only the quantity of timber cut but also how to do it. In fact, clearcutting is the way less costly to the logging companies and we understand why these machines seeing the devil who shave everything in their path.
The other problem is that takes about 25 years to reach the forest to regenerate. Since the 90s, the Government of Quebec requires manufacturers to replant trees (it is the "planting" which attracts many students from Quebec during the holidays because paying very little creepy but since found to be planting trees in infested areas of black bears and grizzlies, brrrr) that there is no real checks! So they do not necessarily good. In addition, trees planted are all the same species and the first disease, bingo, they're all dead!

The Friday, head for the supermarket (for once) and then I fall on that! Seb and Christine, my buddies from Montreal ... ben Ha small world sometimes! They invite me to share illico two-day visit in Yoho National Park ... and it is great precisely because it is the weekend and on weekends when not working woofer is ... class!
details settled, we returned to the farm where we expect a new woofeuse: Rebecca, age 19, living in the Montreal area English but (yes it is an anglophone from Nova Scotia!) ... the English are clustered in the eastern district of Montreal for those who are interested! The latter has just completed its first year of CEGEP and decided to do a little woofing marathon across Canada, and jumps from ranch to ranch every week!

Yoho National Park.

Saturday morning, went to the park.
Yoho National Park is one of 41 parks of Canada (Must have a good credit card for every visit). Must register at the park entrance (even if nobody controls anything) ... the rate for one day is $ 9 / CAD or otherwise you can buy a pass valid for one year for $ 140 / CAD per vehicle for all parks. First stop
or "attractions", falling Wapta accessible after a walk of 30 minutes. I realize that my two friends were pretty well documented on the local fauna and especially on the bear. Here are some tips (not we laugh with the Bears, Tabarnouche) if you are experiencing has one of them ... all these tips are also regularly repeated across the panels.

(falls Wapta)

that coping with a bear?

foremost, we must pay attention to places where there are berries for the bears rafolent. It also means to recognize the bear poop: Berries are full of it ... if for example it is very fresh, fly!

Many brochures are distributed everywhere, and all full of panels (good story to scare you). Here are precautions to take if you see a bear (I doubt it will serve you may be in pyréenees, however, if the few survivors are still alive). You should know that a bear is not too bad a few exceptions: if you catch him, if a mother who protects her cubs (Hou Bin is not very expensive I bet your skin), if he feels the food, if it has become accustomed to human presence (in these cases, the rangers do not go around the bush, it's a direct shot in the head). On
brochures, which are more like video game manuals, so you can read the following recommendations:

Parks Canada recommends carrying a bear spray at all times. The best way to live safely in bear country is still to avoid contact with them . (Easy to say)

To avoid the bear, we must scream (which is very good indeed Seb every 100m) or speak loudly, or sing, in short making noise. Some people recommend wearing small grelos self ... but it is completely unnecessary because the bears can not hear them ... so apart from being ridiculous, or pass for goats!
Always travel in groups.

If you are alone and bin type the inlays in another group, this can be fun (unless you fall on you Americans tell their life).

However, if you're unlucky enough to cross one, it is strongly recommended to:
1 - Stay calm, there is nothing alarming yet.

2 - Take your bear spray (Which leads that you purchased before).
3 - Talk to the bear, it is your friend.

4 - Stay away slowly backwards but especially do not run away because it appears that there is a bear ca as fast as a horse (Jove) and do not climb a tree especially because he must climb better than you ...

If despite all this the bear jumps, you have several options:

1 - Use your bear spray, dammit (paying attention to the wind direction anyway, it would cunt losing an eye in this situation)

Or 2 - PLAY DEAD! (Knowing that most of the time this technique does not work just because the bear once you eat the toes to see if you're edible!). Besides, it is recommended to find another parade after two minutes, and if he do not already torn a leg, because at that moment the bear no longer seeks to defend itself but looking for a good steak ... and that's another story!

At this time no possible doubt, the bear is looking for noises, then we need to attack
Spray Bear pepper spray if you have not yet done bigre.
and defend yourself with whatever you have on hand! Backpack, shoes, gas bomb that did not work (at least it will have served to something)! Because then the bear will eat you!

In conclusion, always wear a small pepper spray on you, Braille throughout the walk and especially do not Get out like a hare otherwise end up in stew.

After these little details very instructive here we ready for the next step: Emerald Lake, which is one of the most beautiful of the region after Lake Louise ... as tourist guides. Although it appears that there there are more tourists into Lake Louise.
Arrive at lake, I'm speechless. The water color is impressive. It must also be said that has really lucky because there is no shadow of a cloud filled with rain in the sky. But also what gives the color turquoise use water? Seb replied "Well it The minerals present in water that reflect certain color of light. "Ha good?
Small walk of 5.2 km around the lake (it will! it's flat!) then towards the campsite.

Campsites in national parks operate more or less the same way. There is no host, each must find a free slot and put the money into a box provided for that effect on entry. There is rarely shower, and comfort is limited to pit toilets and two sinks see ... in any event it is advisable to stink as much as possible the Bears The location costing $ 17.5 / CAN (that's the precision).
After a nice little evening a little watered and a good headache, we are left for Iceline 20 km (I'm already starting to sweat).

Flying from the ascent, met with Julian, 18, who fucks hikes alone in the mountains with her big backpack of 20kg, her pepper spray and two joysticks, which serve to stick ... he hastens to join us ... for fear of bears and American!
And it left for the climb! The scenery is magnificent, these are pictures for you to salivate ...

(Inukshuk is a stone storage piles made by the Inuit, can still be found en masse in the mountains ... although some will be built by walkers!)

(Young and her bag, Seb and Christine)

The only one who looks a little frustrated that Seb who can not test his vocal cords for fear of passing for an idiot ... but before he 's now secure enough that we were armed in case of bear attacks here because it is more the cute black bear grizzly but two joystick to put out the eyes of the bear, two bombs pepper for gassing and if that's not enough: the backpack's young! Phew!

Going down a little trip to the falls in front of Takakkaw Iceline.

(Takakkaw Falls, Seb, Christine and pepper spray)

Back to the farm in the evening. After consulting the website of the Park, it turns out that the mammal found in mass in the park is the mountain goat ...