Saturday, August 30, 2008

Swollen Elbows After Excercise

After goats, vegetables ... the farm not cattle (except of course chickens. these chickens Haaa!) but the tomato, cucumber, potato, apple and more ... all in greenhouses (yes even the apples). And zucchini in a mess (also known as zucchini-Atlantic)! My role, I am eager to accept, is to show enough imagination to cook or rather save all this mass of ... zucchini zucchini soup, zucchini soup, cheese, fried zucchini, zucchini croquettes, omelette with zucchini, zucchini live!

One of the greenhouses and gardens ...

Ha then this is the end of August, time to pick up crannberries fours in the forest and escorted by dogs ... to scare the bear.

It goes hunting for mushrooms with Marcus and large mastiffs ...

... reassure you they were not eaten!

Short Description of Place: Lost in the woods, you have to cross two rivers by canoe to reach a haven of peace ... a pretty cottage in the woods ... dry toilets without doors, to put his shit comfortably among birds, squirrels, trees and dogs that you chat.

(my little hut)

(Attractive toilets with all the comfort ... even playing!)

(John who picks me up in a canoe ...)

(in the motor boat, yes he will have one too, with John and Sarah)

(Little Creek to access a `farm)

I share the place with Marcus woofeur another Austrian who speaks perfect English ... vainard him. And who does not want to leave the place (we understand why) and settled for the winter.
My hosts are nice ... Sarah is an Englishwoman who emigrated to Canada for 5 years. We clap our aperitifs in the evening, she took advantage! She explains that in winter it remains sober. Curious! 'Because I gotta keep my head, there is the Yukon and Yukon if you go out in jeans, sweater because you're too drunk to get dressed, in 10 minutes you're dead ... 'she said! Dammit!
Pending booze flows through the glasses.

The days are long (remember that we are close to the polar cerlce) and the temperature is cold ... - 4 C at dawn. I rushed to the local Emaus and I dug up a pretty pink sweater quite soft "for 1 dollar. Incidentally, I sleep wearing a beautiful hat (a hat) as a good quebecois who respect themselves. Tabarouate! Sarah
on the move, that's good because it brings us a ride often. Visit Tombstone National Park (which is pretty good anyway!). Then another day management Keno, its silver mines and its beautiful landscapes, still.

(a beautiful lake near Dawson)

(another lake)

(Route Keno ... not living souls)

(near Keno)

(Marcus, me and Sarah Keno finally close)

Dawson City is a caricature of her own. It's like being projected a century ago. This small town is the second of the Yukon, with its 1800 inhabitants ... it must be said that there is a total of 30 000 inhabitants in the Yukon! In my cabin, I came across the book 'The Call of the Wild' (wild or appeal) by Jack London. I devoured and I fall in love with the Yukon in the same occasion. Wonderful! It must be said that the guy was well documented and he has spent much of his time squatting in the saloons of Dawson booze and listen to stories old and less old while others were trying to find some nuggets to - 40 C Ben ... really!


Curious to know more about this small city outside of time, I leading to the museum (which incidentally it is not bad at all). And here is what I could draw ...

The Klondike Gold Rush

Dawson's story is quite inspiring. Within a few months she went from a small town a few people that capital of the Yukon (status it retains until 1953), is the largest city west of Winnipeg and north of San Francisco (yes!). Everything starts with big gold nuggets found in the Klondike River in 1896, a few bored housewives, some sailors also gossips who roam between Alaska and California, a bit of journalists in Marseilles, and a big crisis of unemployment in the U.S. ... and partly to a mass of unemployed and vagabonds, dreamers or curious ... embark towards the north in search of happiness and wealth! But the North is not California, and Yukon in winter it is - 40 C. In July 1897, thousands of people arrive at the door Yukon, marcel with a heart filled with hope, not knowing what will await them. To go north, two solutions:
The first is to take the Chilkoot Pass departing from Dyea (holds are full of tourist organizations proposing to redo the crossing you in real life), with enough food to keep all winter (or 25kg on average), watch the police control everything with application. We laugh not with these things.

For the curious, here is a passage written by Michel Le Bris preface that the new edition of the 'Appeal the forest '. It summarizes the situation well:
" By fall the nightmare began: 62,000 unhappy tight on the beach Dyea battered by cold wind and ice ahead of them raw, swirling winds, the risk of avalanche and a final slope so steep that no animal could I pass it. An unbroken chain of these poor wretches, staggering under their packs, half frozen, starved, was formed early in the morning. No halt was permitted, under penalty of being ejected from the chain, everyone had just put his feet in that of his predecessor, until the test Final: 1500 Almost steep steps carved into the ice. The huskies themselves should be brought back to man ... but gave up 40 000 22 000 men manage to shift . Damn!

Or if you took in Skagway that was "another Gateway Gold Country Dyea after ... the easiest route, first believed the miners, who began as a walk horseback through the hills. He had quickly become disillusioned when they succeeded to precipices and rivers to cross. A Devil's Hill (whole program), the smallest gap could trigger an avalanche. A Porcupine Hill, the horses broke their legs on the unstable blocks. But that was nothing compared to Summit Hill, to White Pass: thousand feet of climbing on a steep slope turned into a river of mud. The horses, broken members, there were dying, trampled by the crowd to no more than a bloody mass, their bones for a stepping survivors ... "... the road was called the Dead Horse Trail ... charming!
short, after all that it took only a few days the city has 30,000 residents put out, who settled in shacks over the luckiest, 2 banks in good shape, 2 newspapers, 5 churches, a theater, 30 saloons, a telegraph, and all full of prostitutes, business considered at this time of public utility for all those single men which were quite bored anyway!


In 1898, the winter was one of the coldest ever recorded. This whole populace being thus cut down acres and acres of trees that served to warm the earth but also for surveys to heat or to build beautiful cabins. That is why around Dawson, old forests that no longer exists because everything has been razed to this period.

The euphoria was short lived because in August 1899 large nuggets were discovered in Nome in Alaska and caused a mass departure of people in Dawson and transformed the city into ghost town. So much for the historical anecdote ... ...

you leave on a positive note here is the recipe for zucchini cakes! Ha zucchini! You can even quadruple the recipe and freeze them in mass for aperitifs winter!

Croquettes of zucchini.
- four Grate zucchini.
- In a bowl whisk 2 eggs and flour (about 250ml or 1 cup English measure) and a little salt and nutmeg.
- Add the zucchini
- Cook in a pan by making small droppings.
- Serve with yogurt sauce or soy sauce.

Strange Words From Alice In Wonderland

Dawson Road to the north ... More!

So off I go to the north Wednesday, August 13, in an old Greyhound buses. (Note instructive to travel across North America, nothing beats the good old Greyhound bus, as we see in American movies. If you take your ticket 14 days in advance is definitely cheaper. We must also know that the distances are so great that after a certain number of miles, the same price. Also for Vancouver Whitehorse is $ 150 for three days of transportation, and for Whitehorse, Montreal is also $ 150 for 5 days transport. So cheap but have to be brave).

North Branch, ie, Whitehorse, Yukon's capital city, equipped with a good headset and good coverage to address these three days by bus.

The landscape uphill to the north

In Prince George, I met José, Mexican, 27, who goes Whitehorse then continues north to Alaska ... Yet he has not seen "Into the Wild"! wearing a pair of jeans, tee shirt and windbreaker!

I hasten to Briffa on polar ice in these regions, with alarming examples in support. There he is convinced and rushed into the first shop in order to obtain the famous pepper spray saving! Haaaa!

the Mexican and the famous manual of how to stay alive in bear country!! Essential!

Arrive in Whitehorse at 3am with the Mexican! One patient a few hours at the Tim Hortons on the corner ... and good coffee harvested by a small Bolivian children $ 10 per month!

To get to Dawson city he spent two buses per week, Saturday and Thursday for the maudique $ 150, or the same price across Canada for the length ... impressive. The alternative is the stop! The problem is that cars, there are not many on the road and sometimes you wait some time before a kind soul decides to take you. The trick: Brandire proudly described above a banner with "GAS $", meaning that you intend to participate in fuel costs! it is always better than the bus! in the eventuality of more waiting hours at the roadside, amid the bear does not welcome the masses ... ha and more bears are also wolves! brrrr! Given the high cost of gasoline in these areas clueless, you're sure to make you! Saved!

Another tip, once in Whitehorse will have a look on the side of Beez Kneez Bakpakers see if the owner does not know someone who goes north ... she knows everything the owner!

short, here I part the next day toward Dawson City, with Greg, Whitehorse resident, Jane and her son, living in Dawson and the growing Mexican slowly toward its Alaskan wilderness and grizzly bears.

Whitehorse-Dawson Highway where a car passes per hour (with luck)

The rest soon ... with photos.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Queen Size Mattress Inside Uhaul Cargo Van

Road to the north! The goat cheese

I was off on the road north ... Direction Dawson City. For now I'm not and that's not win!
For the curious here is my route from Notre Dame:

Larger Map

Jeffrey Star Removed Peni

After milking, so here we are come to the interesting part of the case: making cheese. mhhhhhh
You should know, for anyone who after reading my comments are to be taken near the first plane to Canada, the cheese here there is not much. And may be even a chauvinist, he is not very good ... Another caveat for true cheese lovers who eat the same morning here, the cheese from raw milk, because it is not forbidden by law! raaaaaaa!! So all the cheeses are pasteurized milk (Well except in Quebec ... they are the Quebecers!).
At the supermarket, the most difficult choice will be to choose between a very young or cheddar, yellow or red, see the same mixed. That being said there are some who are tastier ...

In this farm, so it is full of opulence as different cheeses, chic!
It produces blue (much like Roquefort), Gouda (which resembles the old county) buckshot (which looks like the log of goat cheese), feta (which resembles feta), and other niceties ...
Everything is completely organic, and therefore very expensive (I think). The buckshot (the size of the log) are priced at $ 8.75 (knowing that the minimum wage is less than $ 900 !!!), blue is $ 5 per 100g and the rest too. In short, must have the means to eat organic.
Monday here I parachuted into the factory to lend a hand to Jason (the eldest son of the family), so it's the battery unit and hand out notebook and get a little tour of the factory.
Fabrication of the feta
Milk, once out of the goat, is pasteurized at 150 ° F (I do not know how much it is in ° C, rraaaa) for 1h30 in the large tank on the left. After that, it is cooled to 98 ° F and transferred within two square tanks.

Then added a coagulant (brown liquid), this one is based on a fungus (it's for vegetarians!) And bacteria Special feta (I do not know the name but it's special feta). Was allowed to stand for 1 hour.
After that, we spent a knife (or several slides here) in milk has coagulated and is still waiting for 1h.
It stirs the mixture and wait for 1 hour.

was filtered whey (being careful to keep) ...
... and puts the cheese in the molds.
It returns the cheese, and allowed to drain overnight.
We cut squares that are placed in an airtight container with slightly salty whey. The whole was left to macerate for a week.
After one week, we leave the cheese and it's ready! mhhhh!

Manufacturing buckshot (or log of goat)
The departure is the same, namely pasteurized milk. Only then, we must lower the temperature to 88 ° F.
coagulant is added and the bacteria: Penicillium candidum
is increased milk temperature to 98 ° F and allowed to cook 1:30. After that we made cuts and left another 30 min.
then placed in molds (here ptits molds for making plugs), and returns once the cheeses in pan.
is allowed to drain overnight, then returned a second time and it still leaves a whole day. Here, the cheeses are made on Monday. We return on Tuesday, Wednesday, and it is unmolded still leaves a bit dry, on Friday, the cheeses are placed in salt water (for logs 4h, 2h for the caps). They are taken out and placed in a dry and sheltered from light at 10 ° C for 10 days. And here it is.

After we have lovely cheeses we can decorate with small leaves and peppercorns.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Actresses Showing Full Boobs


As I have told you before, this farm produces goat ... sixty gives milk, it is for the rest of goats awaiting to be fertilized (excuse the term) and female babies, plus three bucks (lucky), the other male being sold directly to butchers for meat ... Life is hard for bucks!
The farm is quite large and includes the hangar below which houses goats have milk, babies, the room is milked and the cheese factory. You should know that goat milk has until the last two months of gestation, and until seven months on average ... that is why we do not produce goat cheese in the winter ... normally! Two other barns habritent goats have more milk and goats (this is a little breeding barn finally) and teens (albeit separately).

(large hangar)

(with goats)

(Pitis the babies ...)

(other babies, with p Tiny far right, one week and a half)

Work is not what is missing here. The planning is done in the week and everyone gets stuck! and it is mostly all day, even Sunday tabarnouche.
Work starts at 6am, then got up at 5:45 (because it's the little dej after).
Two people (or sometimes one!) Have to feed the cattle, and clean, two more are trafficked, all 10am until 9:30 am sometimes. Milking is done with milk derived (Brrrrr) for the bulk of the draw but we end by hand to build muscles handles is that they take care of our health here.
After so little bf (week porridge, pancakes on Saturday and Sunday cereals) and free time until the next session, ie at 16.30. Only now it's easier because you do not clean. phew!

(though I concentrated on my work)

(Clarissa and Lies milking a recalcitrant that almost made me redo the portrait) is

Between two drafts, we get the time to do cool stuff, like going to the beach example, that beach looks just like a beach in Normandy ... it's well worth it to go so far you tell me!

(the sea bottom, after having walked for 10 minutes)
On Saturday, I get with Jerry, 25, one of the eldest son, towards Vancouver or, more precisely, the organic market in Eastern Vancouver to go sell fine cheeses to rich people who want to eat healthy stuff later be beautiful old in good health (poor eating cheddar industrial, even though it is expensive), because he should know that the cheese Canada is still a luxury (my opinion of course), but I'll talk soon, because soon you will know everything about the production of feta (among others). Mhhhhhhh!
Jerry behind his booth ... that looks very happy!

Multiplication Table 1 To 30


After my beautiful farm in Golden, I draw my thumb and direction picking cherries in the Okanagan Valley to gain a few Pépette to continue my journey. All Quebecois will tell you, picking cherries in the Okanagan Valley, is the way to win loads of sub! C'mon!

(photo out: Rebecca, Loren and his dog, Denise, Kim and me)

This year, no luck for me this is a disastrous year for cherries (ben is definitely a habit), and therefore cherries, well there are not many!
I will stay one week in farm (luckily it's an organic farm, I will not m'intoxiquer with pesticides!), just enough time to meet an Englishman who speaks English, an Ontario, Alberta his girlfriend and his dog who speak English, a Canadian who speaks English New Brunswick, two in Quebec, returning from planting, although sympathetic who also speak English (though they are the resistance in most French-speaking!) but who are there for three days, soon replaced by four other Quebecois less sympathetic, who also speak English.
Many will tell you that the Okanagan Valley is something beautiful! It's probably true, but I'm not down far enough south to see me ... And that's what I strongly support Randy, the truck driver who will take me a ride to Oyama!
In the Okanagan Valley, there are lots of lakes! and lakes there are many motor boats and jet-ski! and motor boats and jet-ski, there are lots of vacationers to the caravan, who like to pile on campsites near Highway 97 that runs along the valley! mhhhh!

short after this brief stay on the Riviera at the Canadian Management Abbotsford, about forty kilometers east of Vancouver.


In this new farm, you guessed it, there are goats. A lot! Let
total of 120 counting the babies (who are meugnons). And needless to say that the job, there is a lot!
This family farm produces goat cheese, milk and yogurt then sold to shops and organic market. The whole family is there, that is to say, parents and 7 children (The latter two are too small to work!). This family
(very) large is Christian (Reformed Church ... but I know too that because in North America, well there are many!) And is home schooling here ... no book of history, science, or other nonsense, but the pretty picture books with dinosaurs holding hands ... Adam and Eve).
Fortunately, four grown children no longer live in the house, well except the eldest son! In the house, so there: Peter, the father, Jo-Ann's mother, Jason, the eldest son of 28 years, Clarissa, age 17, Johann, 14, Charity, 12 years; Joshua, age 8, Steven, 4 years ... Naskue but also a sympathetic Japanese woofer; Lies (pronounced Lisa), a Flemish Belgian who does not woofing but it looks like. In short, it makes the people in the house, fortunately it is great.
the weekend, I'm lucky, the family presents its annual animal fair ... yay!
Here we are parties to two treaties between Agrifair goats.

Agrifair takes place every year and make a bit of everything is found on a farm ... almost!
Here are some photos, they speak for me!


(Steven the youngest, the woofer Naskue Japanese, and Jo-Ann's mother)

(presentations goats jury)

(presentations pigs jury)

(folk concerts in front of people who eat donuts)

(the pretty vintage tractors)

(demonstrations cuts chainsaw, chain saw at the museum)




(donkeys pulling the fat ladies in period costume)

(cakes for the birthday of Charity, a daughter of the family ).

(U.S. and buggy with six fine horses walking two people very happy)