Saturday, August 30, 2008

Strange Words From Alice In Wonderland

Dawson Road to the north ... More!

So off I go to the north Wednesday, August 13, in an old Greyhound buses. (Note instructive to travel across North America, nothing beats the good old Greyhound bus, as we see in American movies. If you take your ticket 14 days in advance is definitely cheaper. We must also know that the distances are so great that after a certain number of miles, the same price. Also for Vancouver Whitehorse is $ 150 for three days of transportation, and for Whitehorse, Montreal is also $ 150 for 5 days transport. So cheap but have to be brave).

North Branch, ie, Whitehorse, Yukon's capital city, equipped with a good headset and good coverage to address these three days by bus.

The landscape uphill to the north

In Prince George, I met José, Mexican, 27, who goes Whitehorse then continues north to Alaska ... Yet he has not seen "Into the Wild"! wearing a pair of jeans, tee shirt and windbreaker!

I hasten to Briffa on polar ice in these regions, with alarming examples in support. There he is convinced and rushed into the first shop in order to obtain the famous pepper spray saving! Haaaa!

the Mexican and the famous manual of how to stay alive in bear country!! Essential!

Arrive in Whitehorse at 3am with the Mexican! One patient a few hours at the Tim Hortons on the corner ... and good coffee harvested by a small Bolivian children $ 10 per month!

To get to Dawson city he spent two buses per week, Saturday and Thursday for the maudique $ 150, or the same price across Canada for the length ... impressive. The alternative is the stop! The problem is that cars, there are not many on the road and sometimes you wait some time before a kind soul decides to take you. The trick: Brandire proudly described above a banner with "GAS $", meaning that you intend to participate in fuel costs! it is always better than the bus! in the eventuality of more waiting hours at the roadside, amid the bear does not welcome the masses ... ha and more bears are also wolves! brrrr! Given the high cost of gasoline in these areas clueless, you're sure to make you! Saved!

Another tip, once in Whitehorse will have a look on the side of Beez Kneez Bakpakers see if the owner does not know someone who goes north ... she knows everything the owner!

short, here I part the next day toward Dawson City, with Greg, Whitehorse resident, Jane and her son, living in Dawson and the growing Mexican slowly toward its Alaskan wilderness and grizzly bears.

Whitehorse-Dawson Highway where a car passes per hour (with luck)

The rest soon ... with photos.


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