Saturday, October 18, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots

Back Saint Jacques le Majeur

After Saguenay here I go again on the run in Quebec (and yes again and again ). Two lifts (I m'américanise tabarouate) allow me to arrive at your destination!

(coffee with Pascale and Mamadou)

Then after a little rest here I go again to Saint Jacques (yet) or I'll pull a week to help Guy who is on leave Quebec to the decor of sand to the spectacle of Cirque du Soleil (Only that).

(same spot as the end of May but color change! Ha !!!!) fall

There I met Babette and Loic, two french a little fufu de Savoie, who also woofing for a week! We sympathize illico and we will spend a week very nice!

(Babette and Loic at work)


We collect wood ...

We cut wood ...

is cut of garlic ...

is made of fine sand castles ...

And it even takes the time to play the tom tom!!

After a week that goes at the speed of lightning and rending farewell I wield my thumb towards the Gaspe ...


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