Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rock County Register Deeds

L'Anse Whining

Here I arrived in Gaspe (Brittany Quebec) has Anse Whining or I'll spend a week with Diana. The village shall have 50 people and no transport ... then a board if you want to travel without spending Gaspésie vast sums have to love the stop! As a general rule if you are traveling alone or lonely people stop easily! And not be afraid to come across weird people ... heuuuu, in these cases must be imaginative to find lots of topics of conversation ... and cross your fingers! but luckily it is rare.

The place is idyllic although the temperature is quite chilly! Diane is quite overwhelmed as it is to complete the exterior of a new home before winter. I therefore instructed to harvest his vegetables before the cold weather!

The atmosphere is quiet after the crazy week I just spent and they are very good. I take this opportunity to recharge my batteries, meditate by the sea and I make small trips!

I catch cold too because it is more cold ... Jove.

(View from my little hut)

(L'Anse mourner ...)

(Diane and I)


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