Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Costco Canada Brush Set 2010

Back to Our Lady of Ham

After a stop in Quebec, of course (that I myself really like to me ... thank you Pascale Quebec!), Return to Notre Dame (where I also pleases me well ... Marie Claude thank you!), where I find Pascal (former roommate Marie Claude) who is a truck driver who goes out west. He willingly embark to perform a few days of crossing into British Columbia (roughly 4 days ... ouch!).

But before that: Today is St. John and the day of St. John's Day in Quebec!

On this occasion, we celebrate the day before (as in France for the ball from 13 July!). So Monday night, towards the village of Saint Hadrian few miles away. On the menu, music groups as traditional music québecoise (sending it as big as we say back home!), Fireworks and bonfire on St. John (Haaa a real fire on St. John, I had not seen that for centuries it seems to me). It must be said that here the lights are unlikely to be banned for fear of fire (at least for this year) because it rains for days and they wallow in the mud! Rhhhaaa. Stars also we ben ben lucky, the rain paused for the evening!

Haaa I find the familiar faces at the evening departure of Annette and Rejean. It has a great deal of drinking American beer not good (not too much! Is more than I used to drink too me) in nice plastic glasses advertising. And who will end up in the flames of fire from the beautiful Saint Jean ... Mmmhhhh good breath toxic!
Ha ben I take this opportunity to digress for a moment to talk about local music around here and is pretty well underway! To give you an overview (and for those who know not!)'ll See there:
They are the Cowboys Fringants carton that pretty here (and France also in the same occasion, they go elsewhere in Vienna on July 13 ... deuce! will therefore soon see).
Stars Tryo here and walk a lot (Ha well we had forgotten those there) ... end of the bracket!

It ends with the sound of percussion Guy with flaming balls of Marie Claude, before going to bed! Snif!

Ps: Ben here! no photos for you! Apocalyptic view of the time I gently put my camera to the bottom of my backpack, warm! No luck!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

What Paint Color With Walnut

Falls Visit to The Brooke

As loaded as a donkey, I left in my journey with a single book "In Praise of voluntary simplicity," or Gugus approaching sixty head starts to build his house of straw and earth! And that's good because this kind of construction is rather popular in North America. And they're even better because I go visit friends of Linda are right in building a second house of straw. They live in Falls brooke in a pure place!

way, it crosses ptits corn that are all alike in every town with at least two or three churches! ouaw one is a believer in the corner!

(souvenir photo during the trip)


(aside motorways and major national highways, are all like that!)

Arrive Falls Brooke, I'm a little disgusted I confess, is an idyllic place. There are lots of small buildings for the woofers and above are no television (yes, because on TV that runs continuously thank you!). And is also full of woofers (one Ontario couple and their two children, a daughter of British Columbia and her little girl a year, two Montreal high quebecois nice, haa I can finally talk in French, the dream). And is also a small path going into the forest (it's bo hooo).
straw constructions are called here: The Strawbale House.

This is not to mix the straw and land and build a wall, but instead of using compressed straw bales. There's a building full of benefits with this material: it is super resistant to fire because there is no air in the boots and is a super insulator (for cold and hot) it's cheap (especially in countries where we produce all full of cereals) and is mostly green (That's for the militant side hehe).
After making foundations to insulate the floor, you climb a wooden frame and a frame (but if you want a flat roof should not need it but rather to the country where it rains not) and then the storage piles boots compressed. Here's a little special, there is no need to compress too because the wooden structure is able to bear the full weight of the house. Straw is just to isolate! Then it covers the whole of several layers of plaster that can be colored to be nice! That ptites
of photos to give you an idea.

(the house is 3 floors anyway!)

After returning to the farm. snif!
To cheer me up I'll go swimming in the Tobique River right next to the house.

Haaaa to comfort me I tell myself that over there there was no river! and knock!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mucus Period A Week Early

cheese Putin

Today I just learned, finally, to make cheese. But not too much excitement! I'm not going out the secret of making the Munster or St. Marcellin. He no! Today is the secret of cheese poutine (or near) or more familerement cheese making scrouitch scrouitch (that is the boundary between chewing gum and cahoutchouc. truthful!).
What follows is therefore more interesting ones that have already eaten poutine and less others. Sorry!
This gives all the elasticity of the cheese: citric acid! Yep!

To make cheese, here is the recipe:

- Take 3 to 4 liters of fresh milk right out of the head of the cow and let it down gently at room temperature. Then add the citric acid (found in pharmacies), the equivalent of 2 teaspoons. The more you metterez acid and the cheese is elastic.
- Add rennet (a substance that is produced by the stomach of the calf). It takes about two tablespoons diluted in a little water (but anyway it says on the bottle). And leave it for about ten minutes (it gets all solid).
- Meanwhile heat a pan of water with four good handfuls of salt.
- Once the milk coagulated, go a knife in milk to make ptits cubes and let a few more minutes.

- Strain the cheese produced in a cloth to remove all the little milk and make a ball.

- Put down that ball in the pan of water continues to warm over low heat,

and mix from time to time (not sure why put a good pair of glove housewife you soak in a basin of cold water from time to time. Because it's hot).

- After a few minutes is cooked! You repeat a good ball pretty well, you can cool the cheese and prepare your poutine. mmmhhhhh.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Flaky Skin, Loss Of Hair On Dogs


Thank you very much for your kind messages. It's been very good anyway!

I told you about previously p'tite the black fly (black fly in English, for those who are no more than me) when I strove to do stunts in the forest of maple! And although this period was the start of fly season ... Today we are in full. Ouch. So
board to all those who have not found anything better than to come visit Quebec and Eastern Canada (But I think that the problem is general and it's the same shit in the west) in the month of June:
- Avoid June

- Also avoid July because when it's late the black fly, it's the turn of biting midges. HHHa the Brulot! I can not wait! The
Brulot is a fly even more rikiki, hardly visible to the naked eye. While the fly is just happy to sting your blood, Brulot him, you tear pieces of flesh (okay it's for Tots pieces of flesh. But it hurts the same).

- Or do like me, cover you from head to toe: best rubber boots (the necessary) of thick socks; good pants, if possible, full of mud (Only if you came to work on a farm! it increases the resistance of the fabric, plus it gives the illusion that you work hard, like that you care about peace ) or two pairs of pants tucked into thick socks and a shirt buttoned up collar and closed back with a scarf under a long-sleeved sweater back in the pants (if the flies fall anyway! argggg), a another scarf for the head (it covers the skull, neck, ears, nose and mouth). You're all set to discover the wonders of this beautiful country. And above all pray for him to do too hot!

As you can see the result is very elegant!

- And finally, avoid areas at risk, ie the most beautiful, with lakes, rivers and forests ... and most importantly, I stress, Abitibi where even the boldest of Canadians do not risk it!

The day is set according to that damned insect.
survey at 5:30 am, to start work at 6 am until 9-10am (fly the grace mat never out before 9am), then rappartiement inside, where there are still caring! Sometimes I try more but I always end up cracking when the temperature crossed the 20 degrees! That's still early in the morning and I usually 21h snoring already! I wanted to avoid the Lake St. John for that, here I am well wishes!

J "have still not learned to make cheese, dammit! But I have learned to make butter ... mmmhhhhhhh.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cheats For Gpsphone Pokemon

Road to East St. Jacques

WARNING: With the passage of my English side, accents and other nonsense like the French cedilla risk of getting lost in the lines you will read! keyboards querty Cheers!

After a short stop in Quebec, it allows me to relax a bit and especially to go (finally) at the Museum civilizations.

(museum entrance)

HHHaaa Museum of Civilization in Quebec! I feel takes me back to my beloved Dauphinois Museum of Grenoble! Haaa uniformity is beautiful anyway, like this one has the impression of being at home everywhere.
Then stroll through the city with my friend Pascal who is nice to accommodate me when I come to Quebec, anyway! As you can see from the photos ... it is not pretty and it freezes for a month of June!

Pascale who did well happy ... and much jelly!

Then head east. Yes I know I'm supposed to go to the west! I digress a little!

New Brunswick

For my third farm, therefore, towards New Brunswick, which is one of the few bilingual province and it's perfect for me a little ear before going in Colombia Columbia. Perth-Andover direction so close to the border with Maine. But here, I landed at an American born and bred (well almost) and do not speak a word of French. Is a big leap, I have no choice, I must speak English. Before that I thought was a true English ball, well it's worse than I imagined! impossible to understand a word of what I told the lady at best I understand one word in ten. Haaa I start sweating and severe even think after one day leave in inches, in the first truck that passes. Bon courage to go, I let a few more days ...

this farm in the U.S., we make milk, hard cheeses (heuuummm), and especially to put cream in his tea in the morning ... mhhhhh. Bon ben is not there yet that I will lose my fat ass me!

I become a pro at dealing with my beautiful hands all cracked gardener.
In the farm, therefore: one American, his daughter, a cow, chickens (but I feel they are less tart than the others, or I get used ...), three cats three kittens (they are meuggnonnss), two dogs, nine dogs (they are meugnonnnsss)

and especially to my panic a Big Big pig eater cannibal chickens (five to date) .. . brrrrrr it's too scary. It is EEEnormmme and Braille length of time. Must say it's no fun to be enclosed in an enclosure length of time.

I too fear that encloses the jump to come eat me feet while I garden. Good on the other hand, I have never seen a pig Skip encloses!
short English and pig is not to encourage me to keep it!

spend the weekend and it gets better. I understand now nearly three in ten words. Piouf I almost past the worst! The big pig was left a little tame, thanks to the itches on his back twice a day (with a rake because a pig when it stink even a lot). So I can tell more about my guests, because I think I understood a few basics.
I am at Linda (who is American, ca everyone will understand, even in California) and her daughter Ebony-Luna (haa it, it sounds pretty Indian say to me, well that's normal because c east indian ...) fruit of the union with an Indian who is left living in its reserve (also here we do not say but First Nation reserve. Beware!). Linda also working on a reserve (uh pardon the Tobique First Nation) where I think she teaches childbirth preparation ... heuuuuuuu ... or else it is a social worker ... or shrink. Oh yes and I think she studied at the university's philosophy and history of religions (and super frustrating not being able to have other conversations: me hungry, I go to bed, I go to the toilet ,...).
Ha yes I forgot, Linda loves television! a lot!

The following very soon. As soon as I learned to make cheese! yes because it is not happened yet!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Nappy Punishment For My Son

the major

Second Farm

So here I went to my second farm to lend a hand to Guy (who takes off June 3 in Berlin for a sand sculpture competition) and who is doing not in its plantations. Must also be said that the garden is quite huge!

And I thought being in the woods just before I was wrong. Here I am in the woods.

Guy lives with his two children: Sevelin (14 years) and Naim (17) in that other little paradise. This leads me to digress for a moment to talk about the Canadian school system (haaa).

The Canadian education system is very different from ours. School begins at 6 years (until then it's the same). The primary is 6 years (5 for us) and then comes the secondary which lasts 5 years (college and high school together, for us) and after a review that is consistent with our pan, or the student decides to stop or he goes to CEGEP (yes that's the CEGEP). CEGEP, there are two possibilities, to vocational training, and so short as it lasts 2 years or make a pre-university study lasts 3 years. And after that the university (master and doctorate). But beware the CEGEP is only for the French part of Canada.

In this farm, you grow medicinal plants, then sell them to people who market infusions. The job is to feed the p'tites fragile shoots and transplanted plots of land. I learn to serve me even has a nice tractor, I want to let go. HHHaaa I love my tractor!

And there is also picking (apple blossoms, petals and dandelions, are super good in a salad also, plus it's nice). Ha and then do lil things good to eat and allows me to discover full of small seeds that I did not know ... mmmhhh!

Ha then I have little time to learn to play the djembe. Ah yes, Guy is a teacher and had his small factory tam tam! I'll be able to fart at the Canadian VIP parties where the practice of tom toms appear to be essential ... After two trips to Africa, it is never too late.

raining until Thursday and it's really cold too. Brrrr.

Thursday! there it is! it's nice and warm, finally! That's where I'm going to a meeting that will change the course of my trip: the black fly!


(Small note to ARMELLE everything you have told us to scare us and ben it was true!)

The Fly raging in forest areas and to water points (ie across rural Canada what. If you want to be quiet or stay in town at the seaside but also avoid the Abitibi and Lac St. Jean (who should have been my next destination, moreover, in place towards the sea to the east). It is a tiny fly that trimballe band (about thirty when everything goes well). When she sees a piece of skin, it falls on you for you vampirize. But especially in the hours after you toast the most. Tips for the itch: rub your pimples with onion, it stinks but it works. For my part, it's downright bath onion juice should be. I add up the entire face, a good couple of bites. Above all, protect your orifices (eyes, ears, nose) because they try to return to bite you from the inside and suck your brain (well maybe I exaggerate a little). It looks like a Romero film.

the afternoon, we are called to the rescue by Gerald (pronounced Erald in Quebec) is a thoroughbred Quebec campaign and talking about the real thing Quebec campaigns (ie in pronouncing a letter in four). Gerald has a maple and tails season to remove the lines: ie replace all the pipes in the maple forest. On arrival, Gerald has already left the first, head down, the end of the hose attached to his belt. I do not understand what is happening. Beside me, Line (his wife, who wears on her head a portable mosquito net! Ingenious!) Rolls out the big roll of pipe (more than a mile at least!). Gerald slows the progression, it looks to force. It's time to send someone to help pull. Suddenly, I was told to go. I cling to the pipe and it left my kiki! My short legs do not compete with that of Gerald. I try as best they could stay hooked to the hose. A branch tears off my hat, I get it half to four feet, I avoid a second branch (is that there are many in a forest). Suddenly a hole! I dive in, catch me at the last moment to a branch (again). The ground is still muddy. Poo! my boot (too big) gets stuck in the slurry. I choke when swallowing flies. I continue to run, avoiding go on, and at every step of the four irons in the air. Suddenly, you stop. Haaaaa!! I blow. Guy, a few meters behind me screaming to bring the hose over the shoulder (is that I tend to hang myself to him). Flies take the opportunity to take their snack and suddenly it started again, a sudden slip, slide and company, they finally stopped after 10 minutes (and believe me it's long when you run the drill attached to pipe) all breathless, full of bruises and bites of flies.

But It's not over! A little turn Gerald to recover from another roll and start again. Only there, not mad, I let the men, and I'm going to end. It takes 3 minutes. It's perfect!

Then stroll through the woods to gather pine seedlings, and then re-attack of the fly. I come away whole bloated, more!

Sunday evening Marie Claude coming to dinner! Small farewell party before returning to Quebec. I'm still sad, I'd be still remained a bit me!