Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Flaky Skin, Loss Of Hair On Dogs


Thank you very much for your kind messages. It's been very good anyway!

I told you about previously p'tite the black fly (black fly in English, for those who are no more than me) when I strove to do stunts in the forest of maple! And although this period was the start of fly season ... Today we are in full. Ouch. So
board to all those who have not found anything better than to come visit Quebec and Eastern Canada (But I think that the problem is general and it's the same shit in the west) in the month of June:
- Avoid June

- Also avoid July because when it's late the black fly, it's the turn of biting midges. HHHa the Brulot! I can not wait! The
Brulot is a fly even more rikiki, hardly visible to the naked eye. While the fly is just happy to sting your blood, Brulot him, you tear pieces of flesh (okay it's for Tots pieces of flesh. But it hurts the same).

- Or do like me, cover you from head to toe: best rubber boots (the necessary) of thick socks; good pants, if possible, full of mud (Only if you came to work on a farm! it increases the resistance of the fabric, plus it gives the illusion that you work hard, like that you care about peace ) or two pairs of pants tucked into thick socks and a shirt buttoned up collar and closed back with a scarf under a long-sleeved sweater back in the pants (if the flies fall anyway! argggg), a another scarf for the head (it covers the skull, neck, ears, nose and mouth). You're all set to discover the wonders of this beautiful country. And above all pray for him to do too hot!

As you can see the result is very elegant!

- And finally, avoid areas at risk, ie the most beautiful, with lakes, rivers and forests ... and most importantly, I stress, Abitibi where even the boldest of Canadians do not risk it!

The day is set according to that damned insect.
survey at 5:30 am, to start work at 6 am until 9-10am (fly the grace mat never out before 9am), then rappartiement inside, where there are still caring! Sometimes I try more but I always end up cracking when the temperature crossed the 20 degrees! That's still early in the morning and I usually 21h snoring already! I wanted to avoid the Lake St. John for that, here I am well wishes!

J "have still not learned to make cheese, dammit! But I have learned to make butter ... mmmhhhhhhh.


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