Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cheats For Gpsphone Pokemon

Road to East St. Jacques

WARNING: With the passage of my English side, accents and other nonsense like the French cedilla risk of getting lost in the lines you will read! keyboards querty Cheers!

After a short stop in Quebec, it allows me to relax a bit and especially to go (finally) at the Museum civilizations.

(museum entrance)

HHHaaa Museum of Civilization in Quebec! I feel takes me back to my beloved Dauphinois Museum of Grenoble! Haaa uniformity is beautiful anyway, like this one has the impression of being at home everywhere.
Then stroll through the city with my friend Pascal who is nice to accommodate me when I come to Quebec, anyway! As you can see from the photos ... it is not pretty and it freezes for a month of June!

Pascale who did well happy ... and much jelly!

Then head east. Yes I know I'm supposed to go to the west! I digress a little!

New Brunswick

For my third farm, therefore, towards New Brunswick, which is one of the few bilingual province and it's perfect for me a little ear before going in Colombia Columbia. Perth-Andover direction so close to the border with Maine. But here, I landed at an American born and bred (well almost) and do not speak a word of French. Is a big leap, I have no choice, I must speak English. Before that I thought was a true English ball, well it's worse than I imagined! impossible to understand a word of what I told the lady at best I understand one word in ten. Haaa I start sweating and severe even think after one day leave in inches, in the first truck that passes. Bon courage to go, I let a few more days ...

this farm in the U.S., we make milk, hard cheeses (heuuummm), and especially to put cream in his tea in the morning ... mhhhhh. Bon ben is not there yet that I will lose my fat ass me!

I become a pro at dealing with my beautiful hands all cracked gardener.
In the farm, therefore: one American, his daughter, a cow, chickens (but I feel they are less tart than the others, or I get used ...), three cats three kittens (they are meuggnonnss), two dogs, nine dogs (they are meugnonnnsss)

and especially to my panic a Big Big pig eater cannibal chickens (five to date) .. . brrrrrr it's too scary. It is EEEnormmme and Braille length of time. Must say it's no fun to be enclosed in an enclosure length of time.

I too fear that encloses the jump to come eat me feet while I garden. Good on the other hand, I have never seen a pig Skip encloses!
short English and pig is not to encourage me to keep it!

spend the weekend and it gets better. I understand now nearly three in ten words. Piouf I almost past the worst! The big pig was left a little tame, thanks to the itches on his back twice a day (with a rake because a pig when it stink even a lot). So I can tell more about my guests, because I think I understood a few basics.
I am at Linda (who is American, ca everyone will understand, even in California) and her daughter Ebony-Luna (haa it, it sounds pretty Indian say to me, well that's normal because c east indian ...) fruit of the union with an Indian who is left living in its reserve (also here we do not say but First Nation reserve. Beware!). Linda also working on a reserve (uh pardon the Tobique First Nation) where I think she teaches childbirth preparation ... heuuuuuuu ... or else it is a social worker ... or shrink. Oh yes and I think she studied at the university's philosophy and history of religions (and super frustrating not being able to have other conversations: me hungry, I go to bed, I go to the toilet ,...).
Ha yes I forgot, Linda loves television! a lot!

The following very soon. As soon as I learned to make cheese! yes because it is not happened yet!


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