Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mucus Period A Week Early

cheese Putin

Today I just learned, finally, to make cheese. But not too much excitement! I'm not going out the secret of making the Munster or St. Marcellin. He no! Today is the secret of cheese poutine (or near) or more familerement cheese making scrouitch scrouitch (that is the boundary between chewing gum and cahoutchouc. truthful!).
What follows is therefore more interesting ones that have already eaten poutine and less others. Sorry!
This gives all the elasticity of the cheese: citric acid! Yep!

To make cheese, here is the recipe:

- Take 3 to 4 liters of fresh milk right out of the head of the cow and let it down gently at room temperature. Then add the citric acid (found in pharmacies), the equivalent of 2 teaspoons. The more you metterez acid and the cheese is elastic.
- Add rennet (a substance that is produced by the stomach of the calf). It takes about two tablespoons diluted in a little water (but anyway it says on the bottle). And leave it for about ten minutes (it gets all solid).
- Meanwhile heat a pan of water with four good handfuls of salt.
- Once the milk coagulated, go a knife in milk to make ptits cubes and let a few more minutes.

- Strain the cheese produced in a cloth to remove all the little milk and make a ball.

- Put down that ball in the pan of water continues to warm over low heat,

and mix from time to time (not sure why put a good pair of glove housewife you soak in a basin of cold water from time to time. Because it's hot).

- After a few minutes is cooked! You repeat a good ball pretty well, you can cool the cheese and prepare your poutine. mmmhhhhh.


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