Sunday, June 15, 2008

What Paint Color With Walnut

Falls Visit to The Brooke

As loaded as a donkey, I left in my journey with a single book "In Praise of voluntary simplicity," or Gugus approaching sixty head starts to build his house of straw and earth! And that's good because this kind of construction is rather popular in North America. And they're even better because I go visit friends of Linda are right in building a second house of straw. They live in Falls brooke in a pure place!

way, it crosses ptits corn that are all alike in every town with at least two or three churches! ouaw one is a believer in the corner!

(souvenir photo during the trip)


(aside motorways and major national highways, are all like that!)

Arrive Falls Brooke, I'm a little disgusted I confess, is an idyllic place. There are lots of small buildings for the woofers and above are no television (yes, because on TV that runs continuously thank you!). And is also full of woofers (one Ontario couple and their two children, a daughter of British Columbia and her little girl a year, two Montreal high quebecois nice, haa I can finally talk in French, the dream). And is also a small path going into the forest (it's bo hooo).
straw constructions are called here: The Strawbale House.

This is not to mix the straw and land and build a wall, but instead of using compressed straw bales. There's a building full of benefits with this material: it is super resistant to fire because there is no air in the boots and is a super insulator (for cold and hot) it's cheap (especially in countries where we produce all full of cereals) and is mostly green (That's for the militant side hehe).
After making foundations to insulate the floor, you climb a wooden frame and a frame (but if you want a flat roof should not need it but rather to the country where it rains not) and then the storage piles boots compressed. Here's a little special, there is no need to compress too because the wooden structure is able to bear the full weight of the house. Straw is just to isolate! Then it covers the whole of several layers of plaster that can be colored to be nice! That ptites
of photos to give you an idea.

(the house is 3 floors anyway!)

After returning to the farm. snif!
To cheer me up I'll go swimming in the Tobique River right next to the house.

Haaaa to comfort me I tell myself that over there there was no river! and knock!


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